I am a healthy weight. I go to the gym twice a week. I walk with my sweet dog for a mile and a half most nights. I am a vegetarian who rarely eats fast food or highly processed food. I wear a size 4 in most clothing brands.
Yet I was requested to audition for an overweight, out of shape, fast food customer for a Public Service Announcement about making healthier choices. Then I got a callback audition for the role.
I am offended to the core of my self-esteem. I work hard to stay in shape. I should be a walking PSA for making healthy choices; not the "before" picture.
Of course, if I don't book this role, I'll be further offended that I wasn't good enough, and won't at least earn a paycheck for my time, effort and humiliation of auditioning twice.
Being an actress is a mean, petty, soul-sucking business. And I'm a glutton for punishment.