Okay, so maybe it wasn't the absolute weirdest request ever, but certainly the weirdest one I've heard at an audition. I got a notification for another audition this week. This audition would be in town (cool) with no lines to memorize (great), but I had to wear business attire (not my fave, but okay). So I put on my stockings and my skirt suit with jacket in 97 degree weather and made the short journey to the audition. This one was with a casting guy I like pretty well. He's never made me smile until my face contorted with muscle spasms. I've never left an audition with him wanting to cry.
As he's leading me into the audition room, he asks if I've done any stunt work. Nope. He asks if I ever ride horses. It's been a while, but yes. He asks if I'd be comfortable riding a mechanical bull. Um... do you mean today... in my skirt suit with jacket and stockings? Spoiler alert: I did not have to ride the mechanical bull at the audition. Phew! What a relief! However, I might have to ride one if cast. Then the casting guy instructed me to say on my audition tape that I would only ride the mechanical bull if there was proper padding on the ground and if the stunt was choreographed and supervised for safety. Gulp! So I said that on my audition tape. The casting guy was looking out for my well-being, kind of. I knew there was a reason I liked him, kind of.
It's been thirty-six hours and no word. I probably don't have to worry my pretty little head about getting on the bull. The more I think about it though, the more fun it sounds, kind of.